It is true to assume that the budget of many college students do not have room for any extra costs. Photography for instance is a very expensive hobby. Elements such as quality paper, ink and cameras do not come at a low cost. A photographer once told me that in order to get high quality images, one needs good tools. However for the average college student I have found ways in which to decrease the cost in ways that are accessible to many people. Using a good camera is key to quality. However here are some ways to touch up pictures after they are taken.
- Mac computers have an application for photo editing that enhance images. Not everyone has a Mac so photo editors on other computers will do too.
- Contrast: adjust the contrast just enough to enhance the images different tones while still keeping the true color. Too much contrast can make a picture lose its lighter tones and a lack of contrast does not show the beauty of the darker shades. It is important to find the right amount.
- Brightness: Only adjust the brightness if it is needed. Adding to much brightness can lose the details of the image.
- Boost: Using a Mac, this feature is easily available and can fix brightness and contrast together.
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