Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Art of Artistic Thoughts

Sometimes people want to nail pictures so badly, that they forget about the true essence of the art itself. Photography is an everyday thing. By this, I mean everything around us could be a captured image. We do not need cameras 24/7 to capture these 'images'. The point I am trying to make, is that when we look at our surroundings, we should look at it with an artistic perspective. Now I am not saying, that we should analyse every single thing. However, at chosen moments, thinking about art and its relation to our surroundings can be imperative to shaping a photographers mind. Analyses our surroundings in an artistic way can include checking out angles, noticing color, distinguishing shapes in everyday objects, freezing an image of your surrounding and imagining it as a picture, framing just enough of the surroundings to make it a "full" picture, etc. These things might seem weird and unusual, but I find myself doing this on many occasions, and I think it has helped me build strengths in photography.
And so, when you go out to take pictures, you will already know your angles, colors, shapes and sizes from practicing them in your mind.. Might sound Geeky, but it is suggested! ;)

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